[UPDATE: It's all good, hard-working extras. Just got the call from Down South about how you all are going to get at least $80 per working day. They were all apologetic, saying stuff like, "Thanks, you really saved our bacon on this one." Turns out that San Francisco County is the only place in the entire state what has a higher-than-CA min. wage.]
That means that $64 ($8 times 8 hours) isn’t going to cut it, right?
Remember those “unfortunate,” “innocent” 18-year-old faux prostitutes in Chinatown from the time that horrible Trauma series came to the 415 all lies and jest? Those people got paid way more than $64 a day – it was close to $80. So why should you Contagion extras get paid any less?
Is it possible that Rich King* Casting doesn’t know the minimum wage in the area where it’s casting?
Those playing hos back in ought-nine got paid minimum wage, so why not you?
Feel the excitement:
(And the beauty part is that there are “no fees to apply” Really? No fees to stand around for hours trying to get a gig that doesn’t pay minimum wage? Sweet, Thanks Rich King Casting.)
So, extras, practice this line: “I knows I gots to get paid!”
Start chanting all together and then your $64 paychecks will increase to $79.36 paychecks tout de suite.
Of course, if they take you to the East Bay or if they shoot on Federal land(?) in the 415, well then maybe you won’t get your full $9.92 per hour. But they’re talking about filming at Candlestick Park and Chinatown,** where San Francisco laws are in full effect.
In closing, these pretzels are making me thirsty!***
Extras Needed for New Matt Damon Film “Contagion”
Filming in SF February 9-19, 2011
Casting Call
- 1/29/11 Fort Mason,
- 1/30/11 Embarcadero YMCA
Filming starts on February 9th and goes through the 19th. Before shooting though, we will be coming to San Francisco to do an open casting call for those who may be interested in working on this film on Jan 29th and 30th. We are looking for Men and Women all shapes, sizes, types and ethnicities to be background performers for this feature.
We look forward to offering the opportunity for fun,exciting PAID work to San Francisco and Bay Area area residents. We will be casting lots of locals in the production.
The date and times for the open call castings are:
January 29, 2011 (2pm-6pm)
Landmark Building C
Room C260and
January 30, 2011 (10am-4pm)
Embarcadero YMCAAll applicants need only a pen, a small photo of themselves and a great attitude. It’s as easy as that!
>> For more information about the casting call: 415-373-4202
*C’mon, “Rich King?” I suppose that’s better than Sandy Beach or something. (Never trust anyone from the movie biz.)
**Contagion in Chinatown? Hey, remember SARS? Restaurant owners would come out on Grant and to try to, physically, pull diners inside. Bad times.
***That’s from the comments section on SFGate. (Kramer was going to be more than an extra on that Woody Allen film, but anyway…)